I can't believe I have yet to share this with you. I was so thrilled to find these vintage fabrics about a week ago. They were hid among old rags, torn linens and discolored pillows. lol I haven't even measured the yardage but do plan to use it soon on a project or two. The blue striped ticking fabric has a good weight to it and can be used for most any small upholstry repairs...or even PILLOWS! The best part....yeah, the Raggedy Ann patterened muslin material. She's fuzzy. lol I can't wait to get started on a project with this material. Do you love vintage fabrics? I'm not even a seamstress or anything close to that but I do appreciate wonderfully old fabrics. :)
I personally do but on a simpler and more personal level. I place things in my home that have some form of meaning, history or use actual.everyday.photographs. Do you collect something that makes you happy? Please share!
Here are a few more pieces added in at the shop...
Lots of organizing going on in my work room to purge those projects that just didn't pan out and to get a better feel for all the fun bits and pieces that I forget that I have. Upon clearing off my hidden work table (imagine MOUNDS of items here, lol)...I felt inspired to create this sign. First of many, I have been wanting to create some for awhile. These two ladies, Marian & Susie, have inspired me over and over with there amazing signage skills. Since aquiring my overhead projector I have been wanting to handpaint some of my creations.
ok not quite, there is always room to add items as they go pretty quickly but we did add some interesting things today.
the weather is starting to produce some great Estate sales and such. I love browsing thrift shops as well...always looking for that unique MUST.HAVE.ITEM!
Hubby and I were invited to go through a barn last fall and we were elated to do so. Who doesn't love a dusty...vintage...treasure?! :) I seen these theatre seats stacked together covered with cob webs, dust and appeared to be damaged beyond repair. Hubby was against bringing them home. He could only see JUNK. He means well though, he is learning that things can have many uses and CAN be saved! With his excellent woodworking skills I KNEW there was life left in these seats.
Fast forward to this spring, hubby pulled one set out and began carefully taking it apart. He repaired all the pieces that were seperating and he sanded it down. He dug through his large (um, HUGE) stash of vintage/random hardware to replace a few screws and it was good to go.
This is what I did...
Painted the entire seating a flat black (hey, it's what I found in the "oops" section at the store)...
Then printed the wording I wanted on my printer and placed it where I wanted it to be...
In order to trace it I chose to use chalk on the back side of the printed wording...
Then as I traced it with a pencil it would show up white...
I thought this part would be a little tedious but I actually enjoyed the handpainting part...
After the wording was painted I took my orbital sander over the whole entire piece giving it a good aged look before topping it off with a spray-on clear coat. Now it has a wonderful sheen to it...
LOVE how it folds up for easy storage. This piece is wonderful as it sits VERY comfortable...
It went to my shop a few weeks ago and sold INSTANTLY (are you surprised?! lol)!
I'm linking up at these places, please check them out!