Saturday, January 29

fun stuff

here are a few fun things i enjoy making and i have a few more in the works that are going into shop this weekend.

i LOVE LOVE LOVE vintage game pieces and even the packaging and information that goes with them. here is a fun way to REFURBISH those old scrabble pieces...

also, i have a couple different corkboards made from old picture frames that are going into shop too.

last...i am working on frames and chicken back with those pics VERY soon! :)

have a creative day!

Monday, January 24

things come and go. fun LETTERS!

these business sign letters are rather large and really make a statement. they are constructed of a hard plastic/resin and we have used Krylon plastic spray paint to cover them in fun accent colors.

our merchandise still continues to come and go. please contact us if you are interested in something posted here. they may or may not still be in shop and we can confirm if it's something we can run across again for you.

Tuesday, January 18

do you like 'Unique'?

when i refurbish a piece my creative thougths are to make it different....UNIQUE! i often get mixed opinions when i do this and i know that will always happen. to date; i've never had a piece that hasn't sold quickly so i MUST be catering to someone. :)

this piece just went into shop last night. i picked it up at an estate sale where it sat with layers of crud, no mirror and missing mirror hardware.

hubby took it apart, sanded to the bare wood, he built some custom hardware for the "mirror" piece, i painted, distressed and made the mirror part into a corkboard as the replacement of the mirror was going to be a bit of a cost. i think it would be a great desk! :)

(off to look for the before photos, wish me luck. lol)

Wednesday, January 12

back in action

i've been painting...still painting...

i love to paint, really i do. the weather and stuff just gets in the way sometimes and gets me WAAAAYYYYY off track. lol hubby already set me up a paint tent within our garage but he added to it this past week with the exhaust machine (so i don't work in a haze or paint dust) and fully enclosed the tent so that other items in the garage aren't dust covered. anyway, those necessities aside, i am getting things in shop. here are a couple pieces i have finished and a few more are on the way.

this child's cabinet was well loved and needed some attention. it still had good "bones" so i knew what to do. new hardware and some painting brought it back to life.

also added many vintage"y" items as well and we are moved into our bigger space. still have lots of tweeking to do and adding things in but it is getting there.

Saturday, January 8

painting, pricing and picture taking, oh my!

i continue to keep busy with painting the display pieces that my hubby 'whipped up' for me to put in my shop space.

hoping to distress them in the morning and then get them to the shop to fill up with a BUNCH of vintage goodies i've had sitting around from estate sales and such.

if you don't know....i have been venturing out into photography too (catch my link near the top of this page). this last summer i put myself out there on a more professional level and haven't looked back. i did a mini shoot this past week and each new experience is such a great learning tool. i photographed three little ones with all different personalities. fun stuff! :)

also found a great wooden sitting chair that i can't wait to 'paint up'!

Tuesday, January 4

if you hope long enough...

i will keep this simple and to the point as i have lots of work to get done around here. lol

my simple story...our family has been searching for an english bulldog for several months since one of our beloved pets passed on last spring. we knew we couldn't go all out and buy directly from a breeder (financial reasons) so we listed our plea online, watched pet sites and all the while searched the internet and learned all about them. there were a few times a couple months ago that we came close to aquiring one that fit our budget but then they fell through. i kept hoping and talking about bullies as if i had one. lol finally i was contacted by a super nice girl who was searching for a home for her young bully. the hoping and praying worked because we now have an english bully in our home. i can't tell you how thankful i am that this girl chose us. i'm sure i will bug her with updates, photos and questions as he gets use to us and our home. so far he is just so happy.go.lucky and we are so thankful for that too. we are now working on softening up our chocolate lab, Chopper. trying NOT to make him feel jealous but teach him that this bully isn't a threa...but a playmate.

i'm sure i will share more photos and updates mixed in with my shop updates and family life in general. so far....this new year ROCKS! :)

Monday, January 3

it's a NEW year!

i'm so ready for this year to start and that it HAS! our holidays came and went and decorations put away. my daughter turned 15 on New Years day...that was bittersweet. we plan to double our space at the shop so we can bring in much more stuff to sell. hoping to get that started tomorrow so i will be back here with pics of the new space VERY soon. i will leave you with some pics...

i had a special order to create 6 unique wooden chairs for a customer as a gift for her daughter. that was a fun task. i need to round up the finished images from my phone as i forgot my camera when delivering them. you can get an idea of the finishes here though.

my son, Lake had his Winter Concert. he does so well with his trumpet, i'm VERY proud of him.

christmas was wonderful as always. loved visiting famiy and friends.

my daughter...only daughter, turned 15 on new years day. sigh. where does time go?!?! i love her 'colorful' personality. i love that she is so overly "girly" that she must watch what she wears, text 24-7 or any other drama that usually comes with the territory. she likes Anime, she likes dressing unique and she doesn't do drama. love her.