i'm so ready for this year to start and that it HAS! our holidays came and went and decorations put away. my daughter turned 15 on New Years day...that was bittersweet. we plan to double our space at the shop so we can bring in much more stuff to sell. hoping to get that started tomorrow so i will be back here with pics of the new space
VERY soon. i will leave you with some pics...

i had a special order to create 6 unique wooden chairs for a customer as a gift for her daughter. that was a fun task. i need to round up the finished images from my phone as i forgot my camera when delivering them. you can get an idea of the finishes here though.

my son, Lake had his Winter Concert. he does so well with his trumpet, i'm VERY proud of him.

christmas was wonderful as always. loved visiting famiy and friends.

my daughter...only daughter, turned 15 on new years day. sigh. where does time go?!?! i love her 'colorful' personality. i love that she is so overly "girly" that she must watch what she wears, text 24-7 or any other drama that usually comes with the territory. she likes Anime, she likes dressing unique and she doesn't do drama. love her.
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