Wanted to share with all my readers a simple tutorial on how to make this VERY FUN vintage sheet music tree!
Supplies Needed:
cardboard cone (handmade from recycled cardboard or premade papermache ones from craft store)
several sheets of sheet music (could also use newspaper or even gift wrap)
elmers glue
scissors/paper cutter
object to curl paper strips
about 30 minutes of your time
Start with a premade "cone" from your craft store or you can actually make one from thinner cardboard (I plan to do this soon, LOVE recycling!).

I used average sized sheet music out of an old "song book" and that size worked well for coverage and ease of applying the "branches"?!?!

You can either use a cutting tool or scissors as there is NO precise size of the "branches". *** I would suggest not making them too wide as it will cause problems near the narrow top in the end. I started out cutting a sheet at a time then QUICKLY realized I should be doing several pages at once to save on time. Speaking of time, this project only took about 30-40 min. (and that was including my photo time, lol).

Once you get your "branches" cut (I think I had roughly 20 pages), you will began to curl them with scissors or if you have one of those mail openers that would work too. Start with holding the scissors half way up and curl them...try to get a feel for not curling too tight and also leave some a little more loose. I'm all about things not being perfectly uniform so if you want to try for that look, go for it, it will mostlikely take more time tho. :)

Take your elmers glue and keeping it light, swirl a bit on the FLAT END of your "branch". **REMEMBER THE CURL NEEDS TO FACE AWAY FROM THE TREE.

Be sure to have the curl rest on the table so you have plenty of coverage. Go around the tree leaving a bit of a gap between each "branch"...you will see as you go how this helps with staggering your "branches" for a natural over all look.

After you've made your first "row" around, now it's time to start placing them over those gaps I just mentioned. At this point I kind of kept them about 1/2" higher than the first row but NOT TOO PERFECTLY SPACED.

The first couple rows seems to take the longest but then it's done before you realize!


Near the top, you will have to use your hand to press the "branches" around the narrow top so the glue can adhere better. This didn't take but a minute or so longer IF you don't use too much glue.

As you get to that top, you will find that your longer "branches" will not work so you will have to decide how much you should cut off.

Once you've covered the tree you will have that VERY TIP of the tree still exposed, or atleast not attractively finished off.
Here are TWO options to finish this project:
The first is simple with using a sheet of music and cutting a "triangle" from one end. Add some glue down one side and form a cone. Give a minute for your glue to take hold then you can cut to fit the top of your tree. Add glue and you are done!

The second is to use some type of string or ribbon to top it. I used jute to add a bit of rustic/urban feel to it. Drip some glue from the top of the tree and spread it around the top down about an inch. This is the messiest you will get as it's best to use your fingers and wrap the jute around the tip getting glue all over it. It wil bond much better this way and I didn't even have to use something to keep it in place while it dried.....that being said, I didn't use excessive amounts of glue either or it would probably have not stayed in place due to being too wet.

There, I hope that explained it well enough to make you want to try it. You don't even have to use sheet music, you can use gift wrap or even newspaper. Fun project to do with your family. :)
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